Dr. Wheatgrass Supershots contain more than three times the antioxidant levels of fresh wheatgrass juice. Just one 5ml shot a day is all you need to enhance and maintain your health and wellbeing! It comes in a bottle. It lasts up to two years. It is economical ….and it tastes good!
For more info see below:
Why use Dr. Wheatgrass Supershots?
Dr.Wheatgrass® Wheatgrass SuperShots contain a natural, specially formulated antioxidant-rich extract derived from organically grown fresh wheatgrass sprouts. They include numerous biological actives that have the power to restore and maintain energy and stamina, and to boost the immune system.
Indications: Improved immunity, energy and stamina.
Directions: Adults – 5mls per day (1 cap) Children under 12, 2.5mls per day (1/2 cap) Retain in mouth for a minute or two before swallowing.
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